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Clann nan Gàidheal an Guaillibh a Chéile

Highlanders! Stand Shoulder to Shoulder

Is e amas a’ Chomuinn cainnt, litreachas agus ceòl nan Gàidheal a bhrosnachadh. Le sin, bidh an Comunn a’ cumail choinneamhan far an tèid Gàidhlig a labhairt, a sgrìobhadh, agus a leughadh agus far an tèid ceòl traidiseanta a chluinntinn ann an suidheachadh càirdeil neo-fhoirmeil.

The aim of the Society is to promote the Gaelic language, literature and music.

The Society does this by encouraging the speaking, writing and reading of Gaelic and

by holding meetings for Educational, Musical and Social purposes.

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